Renovation or construction of :
museums and private foundations

Concours architecture musées fondations privées construction rénovation musées fondations privées concours architecte

Designing and building a museum or a foundation is an ambitious project that needs to be perfectly surrounded in order to play an active part in preserving our cultural and artistic heritage, while at the same time attracting visitors.

Technological advances, changing cultural trends in response to public demand, and improved conservation standards for works of art have considerably raised the expectations of building owners in their projects for cultural and philanthropic institutions.

As a Project Manager Assistant (PMA) to the project owner, our role is to take into account current developments and new visitor expectations in terms of customer journey, accessibility and positive environmental impact. We seek to understand these needs in order to establish an ambitious and precise program, and to support you in a meaningful project.

How we helped the Rothschild family renovate Château Lafite Rothschild.

Discover the project

What are the challenges involved in building a museum or a private foundation?

Make our cultural and artistic heritage accessible to all

The primary aim of a museum or foundation is to disseminate and preserve our artistic and cultural heritage. This philanthropic approach can only work by attracting visitors to an atypical, remarkable site that fits in perfectly with its surroundings.
The visit to the site, its spaces and its scenographic ambience are an integral part of the visitor experience. They are just as much a part of the excitement and renown as the works on display. Who doesn't remember the play of the sun on the façade of the MUCEM (Marseille, 13), the water mirror serving as the ceiling at the Fondation Carmignac (Porquerolles, 83) or the spectacular view from behind the clock at the Musée d'Orsay (Paris, 75)?

Nowadays, museums and foundations are also expanding by creating additional destinations: catering, accommodation, a place for children to relax... These complementary activities attract a wider audience who stay longer and return again and again. They help personalize the customer experience.
Our approach to disseminating our cultural heritage also involves paying particular attention to the accessibility of the site. The reception area, itinerary and facilities must be designed with inclusion and diversity in mind, by offering a broad welcome to the visually, motor and hearing impaired...

Architecture is therefore a key lever for attracting and retaining visitors. Programming such a construction project is a crucial step in ensuring that the project's challenges are understood and integrated into the chosen design.

Preserving this heritage

Moreover, building a foundation or a museum involves technical issues that need to be taken into account right from the start of the project.
First and foremost, the safety and security of the site must be considered in advance and integrated into the project to facilitate site management and security. Welcoming the public also requires the implementation of important fire safety standards, which need to be integrated right from the design stage.

Works of art must be exhibited and stored under special, restrictive conditions for their preservation and protection. Technical advances in BMS (Building Management Systems) offer modern, efficient solutions for simplified, precise maintenance. Thermal environment, hygrometry, ventilation, air renewal, luminosity and solar radiation are all elements that need to be mastered in order to transmit our cultural and artistic heritage.

Interior fittings must meet the challenge of showcasing the works on display. An in-depth study of the scenography and flexibility of the spaces will enable us to optimise future exhibitions and allow successive adaptations to be made, according to the exhibitions. This will enable us to create interactive educational programs that actively engage visitors' senses.

Taking technical needs into account is therefore a key lever for preserving and disseminating our cultural heritage. These issues are defined at the programming stage, but become particularly important during the project design phase.

Concours architecture musées fondations privées construction rénovation musées fondations privées concours architecte

A museum or foundation project?

Launch my project

Making the construction of the museum or foundation part of a sustainable approach

Last but not least, the project to disseminate and pass on our cultural heritage cannot be conceived without an environmentally sustainable approach. The transmission of our artistic heritage is an integral part of the transmission of our resources. It's essential to design a building that's built to last, using renewable resources and with minimal energy consumption. This is how it will live on through the generations, just as works of art have done up to now.

This heightened attention to the project's sustainability contributes to the building's integration into its environment and territory. By taking into account the needs and habits of local communities, it becomes part of a territory and contributes to its tourism development. Greater attention to local know-how and materials will enable the project to be extended to a larger scale.

This transmission and durability can also be expressed in the statutory nature of the project. An iconic building facilitates the development of the brand image and logo, and strengthens the communication and marketing needed to raise the profile of the foundation and the museum. The project's uniqueness and boldness make it even more eye-catching when it comes to setting up partnerships, advertising campaigns and media communications.

A commitment to environmental sustainability must be at the heart of every project phase. From initial programming to LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) calculation, each stage is important to guarantee a level of requirements adapted to the challenges of the project.

Why organize an architectural competition with BAM for your museum or foundation construction project?

Organizing an architectural competition with BAM for the creation of a museum or foundation offers a host of invaluable advantages.

When you work with BAM, you benefit from decades of specialized expertise in the coordination and execution of internationally renowned architectural competitions. Our meticulous approach guarantees not only a rigorous selection of the most promising architectural talent, but also creative diversity and innovative ideas for your project.

By choosing BAM, you gain access to a global network of leading architects, raise the profile of your initiative, and ensure exceptional architectural design that transcends standards and impresses with originality, functionality and aesthetics.

Our museums and private foundations projects,

Find out more about our current projects and the stories of the clients we’ve worked with on their museums and private foundations construction or renovation projects.

Chambre des Notaires de Paris: Renovation of an iconic building

Delivery in 2024

Château de Beaucastel: Renovation and extension

Delivery in 2024

Château Lafite Rothschild: Renovation and extension of a winery

Delivery in 2025

iXcampus: Expansion of an innovation campus

Delivery in december 2025

Domaine Belargus: Construction of a winery

Delivery in may 2025

our customers say it best

"BAM's commitment to each of our real estate projects contributes to the success of these operations, whose architectural and environmental ambitions we share."

Julien Lalanne

"BAM has invented a new profession: making dreams come true! Thanks to their method and their networks, we were able to find THE ideal partner for our future winery."

Ivan Massonat

"The commitment and professionalism of the BAM teams exceeded our expectations. The success of our project would not have been the same without them".

Charles Perrin

"The success of our operation is down to the quality of the relationship we've built up with BAM, and their determination to see the project through."

A. Joubert

"BAM did an outstanding job and was a huge success when the competition went online."

Philippe Guigal